Insecurity: Being meek will make you stronger


For staying confident, I lean a lot on what the Bible tells me. I consider what is written as the truth and that builds the foundation for my identity. A foundation that I can fall back on every time I doubt myself.

At some point, there was one passage that kept confusing me:

Matthew 5:5, "Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth."

Especially the word "meek" bothered me.
What does Jesus mean by that?

I don't know about you, but to me, "meek" doesn't have a positive ring. So I wanted to know more and found a rather surprising answer.

Note: What I'm about to share in this blog post, resonated with me as an insecure freelancer. The beautiful thing about the Bible is that it's the living Word so it applies differently or gives a slightly different meaning in other situations. Therefore, read this blog with my lens on.

Christians are …

There is an understanding out there that Christians are supposed to be these submissive, all-loving people who are stepped on by society as they won't push back anyways. We've to accept it as though that's the only way of showing love.

I don't think that's entirely true.

I do think that we have a better job to do in acting out God's love but I don't think we should be trampled over.

That being said, that understanding is exactly what feeling "meek" gives me.

So am I wrong?

Let's explore Matthew 5:5.

The meaning of meek

The meek are…

spineless or weak people who let the stronger ones march over them.

They are the kinds who keep their mouths shut while the "Dominants" are talking since their comments wouldn't make a difference anymore in the course of action.

It shouldn't surprise you that I would be the one at the meeting keeping my mouth shut, not seeing the point of interfering or simply thinking my comments wouldn't add anything.

However, later on, I would gladly work together one-on-one and share my opinion. If that behavior means "meek", I don't think God's people are going to make much difference.

The behavior of not speaking up came from a place of insecurity. I wasn't confident enough to speak up, so I didn't. Hiding in the fact that such a thing would be meek is, in my opinion, insulting to God's creation—me.

Fortunately, as it turns out, meek has a totally different meaning.

What meek means

Meek rather means gentle.

When you think about gentle, or gentleness, it stirs a different idea in mind, doesn't it?
Gentleness gives a sense of tempered strength.

Jesus showed gentleness when he cleared out the temple.
He did it in a gentle way but at the same time, it was tough, disciplined, and powerful.

Hah! That speaks to me.

So meek isn't about a humble attitude to a degree you're disregarding yourself…

Meek is about acting with tempered strength in different situations—in business that means taking responsibility for the health of my business.

In life, it means not letting anyone mess with my values.

In general, it means stepping up my game and speaking up when it is required.

Meek people are people like Jesus. They are extremely loving and kind but they are also tough, disciplined, and powerful. In that case, I'd love to be meek.

How being meek will make you more confident

If you have a tendency to be a quiet person, like me, that's a privilege.

In our nature is the gentleness of Jesus and by sorting our thoughts out first, we can act in a powerful way. I consider it a good thing to be mindful and not blurt out the first thoughts that are on my mind.

Meek people are considerate. And caring.
But they're not spineless.
They're not weak.
And they're certainly not meant to be silent.

Therefore, put being meek in your toolbox.
Know that Jesus Himself has said that the meek will inherit the kingdom.

Take the time to be quiet and ponder over your thoughts but form thoughts that are based on the truth and let that encourage you in speaking out.

Becoming more confident has to do with knowing your identity and taking action steps. Sometimes an action step is to stay silent and other times it's doing something we fear—speaking up boldly.

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